Tour Status:
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Departure Date:
March 26, 2025 (Wednesday)
Return Date:
March 31, 2025 (Monday)
Tour Length:
6 Days
Departs From:
Tour Limit:
Main Tour: $2,699.00 USD

See full price details.

Special Notice:

Please note that this tour will likely sell out very quickly of both Single Occupancy and Double Occupancy space.  Thus, all bookings will be considered pre-registered until we can collect deposits and confirm your space with such. Please book asap if you would like to join us.

About the Tour

Hello Miniature Wargamers!  This tour is now “Sold Out”. If you still hope to join us please continue to book via our “Booking Sheet” tab and we will put you on our Waiting List!  Alternatively, you can also contact me at for more information!!!  For those already booked – thank you for your support and can’t wait to see you at AdeptiCon!!! 

Teras – GNT

Geek Nation Tours is very excited to present our tour to the world’s largest tabletop wargaming tournament and convention – AdeptiCon. Here, discriminating wargamers from around the world find a multitude of gaming experiences – from tournaments using a variety of different wargaming systems to the very best in gaming and painting seminars. AdeptiCon is also a wargamers’ shopping paradise with a huge amount of vendors waiting to show you their wares. It is a spectacle to be seen and experienced. Game with the best, meet friends from around the world, and roll dice all night long!

GNT is extraordinarily excited about AdeptiCon 2025 as the convention will have some new digs in – Milwaukee!  Geek Nation Tours was honored to journey to Milwaukee with the AdeptiCon crew to see the massive and spectacular Baird Center.  AdeptiCon will have room to grow into what will most certainly be an even more amazing wargaming event! And you’ll want to be there to make wargaming history to see their maiden voyage into the new city. And talking about Milwaukee – what a charming town! Full of cool other stuff like the Harley Davidson Museum, the iconic Safehouse Restaurant, and don’t forget Milwaukee was the home of Happy Days, Laverne & Shirley, and Mork & Mindy …

Of course, the AdeptiCon crew will again be creating even more options and will offer tabletop gamers an unprecedented level of gaming excellences! And with the release of our 2025 tour, Geek Nation Tours and AdeptiCon will bring you nothing short of an elite wargamers’ experience.

In the past, Geek Nation Tours brought tour participants Pre-Public guaranteed AdeptiCon registration. We offered those that hop on the tour the opportunity to select AdeptiCon events before the general public (we should have access January 5th or so) and thus insure that tour participants get to grab all the events that they are hoping for.  This year is no exception – book prior to AdeptiCon’s Cart Release and you will be able to pre-register for all events in advance of them going public. Don’t come half way across the world only to have the spots you wanted disappear…

2025 will again also see Geek Nation Tours include both the full AdeptiCon Loot Package and the AdeptiCon Weekend Pass in the tour price. The package includes Preferred Check-in, an AdeptiCon T-shirt, an AdeptiCon glass & the very best of other loot that the AdeptiCon crew has instore for us… Not only that – Geek Nation Tours makes your Elite package even better! We will pick up your tickets, weekend passes and your swag bags for you. Absolutely no waiting in line – just show up at the Welcome Dinner and “bang!” you will receive your loot hassle free (with a few extras from Geek Nation Tours and @DMG Miniature Factory).

Geek Nation Tours has new digs itself in Milwaukee and we will be staying right next to the convention center at the Hilton Milwaukee City Center Hotel! This classic hotel has amazing rooms, is a quick jaunt to the convention and has the spectacular Monarch Lounge to gather in. Further, we will all be in upgraded King Deluxe or Double Deluxe rooms. But that’s not all! The Hilton has also given us free Wi-Fi in our rooms and hotel common areas for the duration of our stay…Oh! And the Hilton is connected to the Baird Center by a weather proof walkway 🙂

But, talking about gathering together … Geek Nation Tours is partnering with the Basement of Death crew to give you two outstanding experiences this year.

Each year Geek Nation Tours offers an “AdeptiCon Welcome Dinner” where we are not only fed, but also treated to a private gaming experience like no other (see Day 1 below for details). But be warned! The Basement of Death crew has something special for you this year – and you’ll have to get your superhero on!

But new this year – GNT and the BoD crew will see us have our own Private Lounge right at the hotel. We will have this room for the duration and will stock it with terrain and boardgames for your enjoyment (we will even have a Poll later in the year to gage what our tour participants would like to play – and be sure to have that on hand for easy dice rolling). It will also be a place to retreat to and to meet fellow tour participants for a game and a cup of coffee – coffee served daily between 2 and 4 pm (and a water station up all day). You’ll need your keycard though – as entry is “Your Eyes Only”.

This year we will continue to give you the ability to let you meet awesome people in the wargaming industry every single night we are at AdeptiCon!  We will have our Welcome Dinner of course, but because they were so successful (and tonnes of fun) we will again offer our “Osprey/Frostgrave” night out, then our “Geek Nation Tours Wargaming Industry Leaders Night”, and we will round this up with our Farewell Dinner which will see us all find refuge in the GNT lounge were we gather together to do some trading, teach each other a boardgame or two (via something we liberated throughout the week or brought from home to share), or just sit and visit after a good solid few days of gaming.

Saturday night however will see us at Mader’s German Restaurant for yet another special night. Geek Nation Tours is proud (and incredibly excited) to announce our new partner for several of our tours – Valens Games. Valens creates simulations and in their own words – “If you have ever wondered what it would be like to be a monarch, a captain of industry, or a spy, then Valens Games are for you. Valens Games provide world class entertaining games and experiences that let one learn about every facet of the world by playing within it. Valens Games lets you inhabit worlds both imaginable and beyond, immersing you with problem solving and a good deal of angst, so that you can – even for just the afternoon – be in the room when global emergencies put us to the test.”  At AdeptiCon Valens will create a special Milwaukee based simulation that is sure to make you “Happy”.

Tour Itinerary

Day 1 - Milwaukee, Wisconsin (Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2025) / Arrival Day

Today we will arrive from all around the world!  Whether you come from Scotland or Japan, Norway or South Africa, wargamers will converge on the Hilton Milwaukee City Center Hotel in anticipation of the awesomeness that is AdeptiCon!  The Milwaukee Airport is a cute quaint place were you are sure to be able to find a transfer to (and from) our hotel. If you have any questions at all however, our Geek Nation Tours representative will be there to help you. When we arrive at the hotel our Geek Nation Tours Representative will show you around and make sure you know where all the AdeptiCon events will take place.

That said, do you want to get a game in just after arrival? GNT will not only make sure that you are connected to other tour participants but we will have a gaming space all ready for you.  Our Geek Nation Tours/Basement of Death Lounge will be ready for you right at our hotel. This space will allow you to retread but yet give you the means to meet fellow wargamers and get to know tour participants over some dice. Coffee will be included and as we have the space for the duration of the tour you'll even be able to keep a few games there yourself. We might even have a trade table set up where you can exchange the cool stuff you are sure to collect.

If you need to pick up some libations Geek Nation Tours has you covered there too… A few weeks prior to our arrival we will order from Sal’s Beverage World online.  You will be able to get any libations you wish along with flats of water (recommended) and snacks.

If anyone is game (see what we did there?) GNT will help arrange an excursion to Milwaukee's newest wargaming store. It really is a treat to behold. Be sure to check it out when in Milwaukee... Old Guard Games

Today is the day to pick up your loot, event passes, and weekend badge, but that is where we come in… Geek Nation Tours will hop in line for you and hand deliver them straight to you at our Welcome Dinner.  Not only that – we will throw in some cool things from GNT, and @DMG Miniature Factory.

The Welcome Dinner itself will take place at the Convention Center so there is no reason to search for a local restaurant.  The crew from The Basement of Death podcast- Troy, John, and Ben Weis plus Josh Coopman and Ty Toepfer - will be with us again.  This year they will be guiding us through Marvel Crisis Protocol...  Each GNT tour participant will be given the option to play games of high intensity battle against incredible odds. Don't worry though - we will have multiple levels of play offered up - from newbie to experienced player! AND no miniatures necessary btw...

The Basement of Death gaming group have been running events at conventions around the midwest for decades. The most well-known is their giant "narrative" Space Hulk game at AdeptiCon. You can follow their adventures at and hear Troy and his co-hosts on the Playin' and Slayin' podcast, where they discuss all facets of the hobby gaming world.

Overnight Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Day 2 - Milwaukee, Wisconsin (Thursday, Mar. 27, 2025) / Osprey Stargrave Night

Osprey Games logoToday you'll have the opportunity to do some group wargaming. Once the AdeptiCon cart is open we will pick an event as a group - that takes place on Thursday morning - and that entices the many tastes of our community.  We will then gather and roll dice together to start off AdeptiCon right....

But that is not all! Geek Nation Tours has partnered with Osprey Publishing/Games in order to bring you this evening's adventure. We will head off to the Geek Nation Tours convention event room to delve into the reaches of space Frostgrave-wise. Tour participants will play in a custom designed Stargrave scenario which will be a collaboration between Joseph A. McCullough (King Kahuna of all things Frostgrave, Ghost Archipelago, Stargrave, Silver Bayonet, and Rangers of Shadow Deep), and Brent Sinclair (Frostgrave rules mastermind and Keeper of FG AdeptiCon events).

There will prizes awarded by raffles and other random/fun events. Plan for this to be a fun event where the crazier the situation the better.  No gritted teeth competitiveness here... only adventure and fun!  Plus dinner of course, right where we will be rolling dice!

Warning! Hobby Challenge ahead! You will need to bring a fledgling warband representing a new Captain & crew taking their first tentative steps into the stars. This fledging warband will be created using a modified set of rules, which we will post here shortly...  But note - those that already have a crew from last year's event will need to add not only a First Mate, but a Bounty Hunter nemesis.....

To make sure all participants are equally prepared for a galaxy torn apart by the Last War, Osprey has graciously offered to give all tour participants a pdf of the Stargrave Rules and a pdf of one of their newest supplements Dead or Alive!  After AdeptiCon Pre-Public Registration we will send the copies your way...

Overnight Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Day 3 - Milwaukee, Wisconsin (Friday, Mar. 28, 2025) / Wargaming Industry Leaders Dinner

Today is your day to Game and Seminar to your heart’s content. Enjoy AdeptiCon on your own schedule, but always know that our Geek Nation Tours representative will be there if you need anything at all. You will be able to find him in the trenches with you - rolling dice and moving miniatures – so beware!

We will, of course, have another meal planned and past participants agree that our meet-ups are an important part of the convention experience – a time where you can get to know other Geeks from around the world and maybe hear a great suggestion or two on what to do the following days, exchange “war stories” and have loads of fun. You can join us every night or you can do your own thing. Geek Nation Tours wants you to have the most freedom to “Geek Out” as possible, so our meetings will be completely optional and you can come and go as you please.

Adepticon joyWith that said, tonight is going to be huge!  We will present our 11th annual “Geek Nation Tours Wargaming Industry Leaders Dinner”.  Tonight gaming companies from around the world will join us for dinner, and as we eat we will be regaled with stories from our Industry leaders as well as talks about who they are, what they offer, and what they are planning for the future. Who knows, we might even get some “New Release” information…!

Each company will offer unique gaming events which will allow tour participants to hop from one company to the other, see the mechanics of each system, and learn directly from those that brought the game to life.  As a matter of fact, each company will be awarding victory tokens to those that show the best sportsmanship, cool cinematic moves, bad dice rolling or for just having the most fun. Those that earn the most victories will be awarded some cool prizes direct from the companies themselves... There will also be plenty of time to hang out with designers or company leaders to socialize and if you are lucky you can get them to talk about the “old days” of miniature wargaming.

Mantic Games will be there again in 2025 along with their demoing team. What will they bring though? Armada, Hellboy, Dungeon Saga or perhaps Halo!? No matter what they bring - dice will be rolled and much excitement will ensue...

Warlord Games will be returning in 2025. Last year we had them demo Blood Red Skies but this year who knows what they will bring?  Will it be Bolt Action, Black Powder, Epic Battles, Konflikt '47 or perhaps Slaine? Whatever it will be, the Warlord crew always has something fun planned, and you'll be sure to leave their table with a smile.

Composed of veterans from the tabletop miniatures games industry, Atomic Mass Games published its first game, Marvel: Crisis Protocol, in 2019. Since then, the studio has taken over the development of acclaimed miniatures games Star Wars: X-Wing, Star Wars: Legion, and Star Wars: Armada. In June of 2023 the studio launched Star Wars: Shatterpoint it’s newest skirmish miniatures title. Atomic Mass Games is committed to delivering immersive lifestyle hobby games that combine industry-leading tabletop miniatures and fast, fun, kinetic game rules to create lifelong collectors and players.

Fight in a Box believes in the power of laughter & storytelling to bring us together. Publishing indie board games since 2013, their games have light speed themes with dark matter difficulty. From Squirrel or Die to critically acclaimed Conquest Princess: Fashion is Power, their titles range from tiny fillers to epic adventures.

And the guests keep coming in! GCT is in the house! "GCT Studios is the UK-based games studio behind the successful Bushido skirmish game. Bushido is an Asian-inspired miniature skirmish game for two players using 32mm miniatures, of which there are over 400 to choose from, featuring clans, cults, witches, and worse. With over a decade of production and design experience and an annual international show and expo schedule, GCT is enjoyed globally by many."

GNT is always on the lookout for new quests and in the past we had the might Andy Chambers and Gav Thorpe stop buy to show us their new Zeo Genesis game... And in years past we have had, Cool Mini or Not, Gale Force Nine, Osprey Games,  Anvil Eight Games, Red Republic Games  (Arena Rex) and Games Workshop onboard... This year we hope our list of special guest will be even more impressive. Return to this spot often to as we will continue to list our guests as they come in...


Overnight Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Day 4 - Milwaukee, Wisconsin (Saturday, Mar. 29, 2025) / Mader's German Food and a Simulation

Yet another day to live the experience of AdeptiCon and game and seminar to your heart’s content. Your schedule is your own, but be sure to join us for another elite gaming experience in the evening.

Tonight Geek Nation Tours will treat you to a Milwaukee favorite... Mader's German Restaurant. But this will only be the start of our night as Valens Games will run us through a special simulation that will transpose us in time and space. You might even see some local Milwaukee fiction come to life.  Be ready for a night where anything could happen. After dining we will again withdraw to the private Geek Nation Tours / Basement of Death Lounge back at the Hilton...

Overnight Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Day 5 - Milwaukee, Wisconsin (Sunday, Mar. 30, 2025) / Boardgaming and a "Miller Time" Menu!

One more day to game and seminar, and It is your last day to experience all the goodness that is AdeptiCon so make sure you take it all in!

Right after the closing ceremony Geek Nation Tours will start to wind things down with its “Farewell Dinner”.  We will have dinner right in the hotel - in our much touted lounge - but expect a meal inspired by local fair... With a name like "Miller Time" you know the buffet is sure to be delectable... Our mouths are watering even now…

Tonight we will chill out a bit and just enjoy our final night together visiting over dinner. Afterward we will take the time to bring a favorite boardgame (or perhaps a recent purchase) and teach our fellow gamers to play something you love. Whether you hop into boardgaming or just hang out watching – Sunday night is always an awesome night to relax with some less competitive gaming. As a matter of fact, many laughs are always heard from our tour members this evening.  We cannot stress enough how fun this last night is.

Overnight Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Day 6 - Milwaukee, Wisconsin (Monday, Mar. 31, 2025) / Departure day but see you next year...

Today we will head to the airport and home. The photos, memories and friends you made are yours to keep forever!

Tour Notes

NOTE: Attendance of special guests and celebrities is subject to change due to scheduling conflicts and conflicting professional or personal obligations.

NOTE: COVID-19 has changed both our geek and our real worlds. Some things may never be the same and others may not be able to be offered on our tours or will have to be altered in a new post Covid world. With that said, please understand that GNT is moving forward as if the disease is already conquered, but all tours are now subject to change.

What's Included

All hotel nights and taxes plus free Wi-Fi (we will be staying right on site at the Hilton Milwaukee City Center Hotel ), AdeptiCon Welcome Dinner, Osprey/Frostgrave Night dinner, Geek Nation Tours Wargaming Industry Leaders Dinner, Valens Simulation Gaming evening and Mader’s German dinner, and Farewell Dinner. Pre-Public Registration and Guaranteed Gaming and Seminar bookings, Weekend pass and Elite Gamer upgrade which includes No line up Preferred Check-in and hand delivery, AdeptiCon T-shirt, AdeptiCon glass & the very best of other loot the AdeptiCon crew has instore for us… Plus – libation delivery from Sal’s Beverage World, Geek Nation Tours Exclusive AdeptiCon Miniatures, GNT and Basement of Death Private Lounge, private guide and more fun than you can shake a Goblin at…

What's Not Included

Flights are not included. Transfers to and from the airport are not included.

Tour Price

Main Tour:
$2,699.00 USD + $323.88 Taxes & Fees
Single-Occupancy Upgrade: $850.00 USD

Milwaukee airport is delightful. It is small enough to easily navigate and both Ubder & Lyft service it quite handedly. Transfers are therefore not include in this tour. That said, if you need to have transfers arranged from O’Hare airport to our hotel in Milwaukee, please contact us and we will be happy to help you get to where the fun is at…  Note also that parking at the hotel is $12.00 per day per car

$500.00 USD
Final Payment Note:
January 5th

Don’t have a friend to get the double occupancy rate? That is what Geek Nation Tours does.  Book as a double occupancy and we will match you up a roommate… This way you get the best of both worlds – someone to BS about the con with – and more cash to spend!

Covid Pricing note: As we move into the post-Covid era there may well be price adjustments as we move forward. It has been postulated that the tourism industry as a whole will see many price increases. While GNT strives to give the best price along with the best service and experience, we may be forced to increase tour pricing in the future.

Inflation Note: As prices continue to rise GNT will have to adjust some tours. Unfortuately, everything has gone up recently and thus tour prices will continue to do so in this time of runaway and unexpected levels of inflation.

Non-Geek Spouse Argument

“The Harley Davidson Museum is there to explore too… ”

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