Tour Status:
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
Departure Date:
July 29, 2025 (Tuesday)
Return Date:
August 4, 2025 (Monday)
Tour Length:
7 Days
Departs From:
Tour Limit:
15 Participants
Main Tour - All are prices are based on single occupancy private room per person: $4,299.00 USD

See full price details.

About the Tour

Fun at Gen ConHello Boardgamers!  This tour is now “Sold Out”. If you still hope to join us please continue to book via our “Booking Sheet” tab and we will put you on our Waiting List!  Alternatively, you can also contact me at for more information!!!  For those already booked – thank you for your support and can’t wait to see you at Gen Con!!! 

Teras – GNT

Want to jump into some serious (or maybe not so serious) gaming of almost every description? Or maybe do some shopping and see the upcoming releases for next year? Or maybe you want to play a game from your past that fills you with nostalgic feelings of childhood? If you want to do any of this – and more – why not join us at Gen Con for the “The Best Four Days of Gaming”! ™

Geek Nation Tours always makes sure there is plenty to do prior and during Gen Con and 2025 will be no exception as we will continue to offer exclusive gaming opportunities.  Each year our tour participants get to game with the people that design, develop and produce the games they love.  But GNT wants to make this a Gen Con experience like no other, and thus has decided to invite a special Game Master to lead us into adventure each year.  We will dive in for some classic Dungeons & Dragons in addition to all the great gaming at Gen Con itself.

Jeff “Duck” Leason: Four score and four years ago, the Leason family brought forth in the State of Wisconsin, a would-be gamer, editor and writer of board and roleplaying games. His name was/is Jeff. Fast forward to the past: two months after graduating high school (Aug. 1978), Jeff started working for TSR as the 17th employee (starting in The Dungeon Hobby Shop shipping department). During a break, Jeff asked if he could proof the Dungeon Masters Guide; it was the first place Jeff’s name appeared in a published product and got him hired as TSR’s second editor. Jeff’s first solo, editorial project was the creation of TSR’s first color catalog. Jeff’s writing credits started as co-author of C1, The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan. In 1984, Jeff was fired with 150 others and started at Mayfair games the same year. Jeff was the main writer of the Mayfair version of Chill, the horror roleplaying game, and was the author of The City-State of the Invincible Overlord, and other products.

“Duck” – as Jeff likes to be called – will be running us as 9th to 12th level Advanced D&D Characters in “Return to Tamoachan”… It’s been almost 45 years since the original group of adventures disappeared in the Shrine. The restless spirits (The Three) were at first gentle and helpful, but as the years passed the spirits gradually became aggressive and mean spirited. The Three’s village has hired the party to retrieved any and all remains and essences of The Three, and return them back to the village.

After 2023’s success Geek Nation Tours has again secured a house not far from the Convention Center and will be providing unlimited transportation to and from. In this way Geek Nation Tours will continue its commitment to build community and camaraderie while going to an event or geeky place. GNT prides itself as means to create a lasting community and to better build international friendships. Many tour participants over the years have become the best of friends via our journeys and Geek Nation Tours is always striving to continue that tradition.

We can come and go as we will from our house but imagine it being more like “mom’s” house when you were a kid. You came home to game with friends while mom (this time our Geek Nation Tours representative) provided meals and a warm safe place to roll dice. Another benefit of the house is that GNT will fully stock it will snacks, food and the means to create bagged lunches… we even have the SunKing Brewery down the block so ale will flow. Each night your GNT representative will create a gourmet meal taken right from his mom’s (and dad’s) recipes of chicken, hamburgers, ribs and of course homemade apple pie. Besides this will be a private place to gather (which is at a premium during GenCon in Indianapolis) for pickup games as well as a chance to experience some D&D goodness…

Are you a Gen Con newbie or a veteran?  Both will appreciate Geek Nation Tours ability to make the registration process easier for all. While your 4-day Gen Con badge is included in the tour package, you will still have to register for events. To that end, we will be arranging a pre-registration conference call via Zoom to help expedite the registration process and to help everyone choose the events they want. Are you slightly overwhelmed by the registration procedure? Not sure what to register for when the cart opens? Worried that you might be missing the very best in seminars or gaming opportunities? Or perhaps you’d like to hop aboard one of the events the GNT tour participants do as a group? Let Geek Nation Tours ease your mind. Even before we arrive in Indianapolis, Geek Nation Tours will endeavor to make the Gen Con experience exceptional…

Further, we are proud to announce that we will be again handing out our Gen Con badges and event tickets! That’s right, no ticket pickup lines and no delivery costs for any items that are pre-registered for prior to beginning of June. We will deliver them right into your eager hands at our Welcome Dinner which is always great for newbies and veterans alike, and you are sure to leave with a smile on your face, a full belly and all the information necessary to get the most out of your Gen Con experience.  Plus, we will get right to gaming even on the first night…

Please note that the house has a limited amount of rooms and thus we are already approaching capacity. If you want to hop on the tour and experience Gen Con please book asap as Space IS Limited…. 

Tour Itinerary

Day 1 - Arrival Day (Tuesday, Jul. 29, 2025) / Welcome to the Big House...

Arriving at Gen ConTour members will be arriving throughout the day and everyone will have transportation arranged to take them directly to the house. Your Geek Nation Tours representative will be waiting to greet you when you arrive with homemade apple pie. We will have a leisurely, relaxing free day to explore the area. Depending on your arrival time and your interests this can include taking in a couple of Indianapolis’ museums, which are just a short distance from the house.  Transportation will be on GNT as soon as you get there, so if you want to explore the area no need to walk...

“No museums for me! On to Gaming!!!” you say?  If you are itching to get to gaming then GNT provides. We will have our own private gaming area (or rather "areas") at the house to start rolling dice pretty much upon arrival. Participants will be encouraged to bring a favorite game or games and anything is possible really. Added to the participant favorites will be games delivered to the house by GNT and there will be a vote on what games we will have on offer...

Our Welcome Dinner will be BBQ Ribs, potatoes and veggies - all enjoyed as we gather to start new friendships, renew old acquaintances and revel in each others company.

Overnight Location: Indianapolis

Day 2 - Indianapolis, IN (Wednesday, Jul. 30, 2025) / Onwards into Adventure with Jeff “Duck” Leason...

Today we will return to the Shrine of Tamoachan! Jeff “Duck” Leason will be there ready and waiting behind his Gamemaster's screen. Our first session will take place just past Elevenses which will consist bacon, eggs, oat pancakes, jams and of course – more bacon.

Tonight’s meal we will see us grill hamburgers. Feast upon on burgers made from mom’s recipe book and fixed up with onions, pickles, tomatoes and cheese or any other way you might want them. French fries and fresh buns will also be on offer.

Post dinner we will retire to our gaming space. Will we have another RPG session or will boardgames be the order of the evening?  Either way, if anyone is still hungry - snacks will be served while we discover arcane and evil knowledge.

That’s not all though! Tonight, we will be handing out your Gen Con weekend badges and event tickets so we will be ready to go right when the convention begins! No Gen Con event ticket pickup line or postage fees – just roll out of bed on Thursday right into the con.

Duck‘s musings:

Overnight Location: Indianapolis, IN

Day 3 - Indianapolis (Thursday, Jul. 31, 2025) / Gen Con Day One & Some More D&D Fun...

As we will already have our badges we will be able to jump right into the Gen Con 2025 goodness! At this point you will be ready for the spectacle that is Gen Con. If you have any questions at all, our Geek Nation Tours representative will be there at the convention with you. As a matter of fact, he will even ride to the convention with you to ensure your first day at Gen Con proceeds without a hitch. We will be starting off our Gen Con early as we head off to the opening ceremonies at 8:30 a.m. just outside the exhibit hall. Doors open at 10:00 am so be sure to bring a game!

Geek Nation Tours takes pride in getting people of like minds together to experience the finest in geeky events and our Gen Con tour will be no exception. We will meet each night to regale each other with our experiences, the games we played or saw, and to share other Gen Con “war stories”. Past GNT participants agree that our nightly gatherings are a wonderful part of the convention experience – a time where you can get to know other geeks and maybe hear a great suggestion or two on what to do the following day.

Not only that, you’ll be surrounded by a welcoming gaming community so you’ll have an opportunity to meet new friends and the time to discuss all those geeky things that you love. You can join us every night or you can do your own thing, it’s entirely up to you. Geek Nation Tours wants you to have the most freedom possible to “Geek Out”, so our meetings will be completely optional – you can come and go as you please. For those that can’t make the meals (because of a full gaming schedule) feel free to come later – and bring your dice – because we will have open gaming every night. Plus, we will make sure the house is stocked with good things to eat for late comers and late-night gamers…

For those that join us back at the house, this will be the second night of Jeff's adventures into the realms of D&D. Will you be Knight, Thief, Wizard or Cleric? Write home that you are able to return from Gen Con with gold in your pockets...

Duck‘s musings:

Overnight Location: Indianapolis

Day 4 - Indianapolis (Friday, Aug. 1, 2025) / More Gen Con and a Starship Bridge...

You now have three days to completely geek out! You are free to experience Gen Con 2025 as you want, though there will always be a Geek Nation Tours representative on hand to deal with any questions or concerns you may have. Join a role-playing game, demo a new boardgame, or get your picture taken with a cosplayer. Your schedule should be all set at this time, but you can always choose to head back to the house and grab a game with some new friends.

We should also mention that GNT will make sure all adventurers can keep their hunger at bay with bagged lunches of sliced meat, bread and tasty snacks. We will let you dig through the kitchen and thus you will not have to make any unwanted nongaming stops during the day.

Prior to registration, Geek Nation Tours will ask tour participants if they are interested in doing some gaming as a group. Many will be busy doing their own thing, but if you are interested be sure to sign up for any or all of these events. One classic that is a yearly tradition and that we will most certainly be doing as a group is the world famous “True Dungeon”. A "must do" while at Gen Con. Of course, our Uber transportation will get us to and from the house so we can all game together… But note also, that they can take you right to the exact door of the convention centre you need, or elsewhere were events are held... Uber will allow you to get as closest possible to your gaming events.

Tonight we have a special treat for you. We will board a starship (or as close as you can get at Gen Con) and brave the galaxy at the Captain, Flight, Tactical, Science, Operations, and Engineering stations. Starship Horizons is a team-based multi-player experience that brings a group of intrepid explorers together to search out strange new worlds and to combat the forces of dastardly evil throughout a galaxy of planets, stars and adventures.

Upon our return we can hop into another D&D adventure, boardgame or just hang out in the living room talking Geek stuff....

Duck‘s musings:

Overnight Location: Indianapolis

Day 5 - Indianapolis (Saturday, Aug. 2, 2025) / Saturday at Gen Con and Intrigue in Final Frontier ...

We will be right in the middle of enjoying Gen Con this day and you will be busy gaming, shopping or taking in the grandeur of what is Gen Con. The house will be open to all to come and go and if you are wanting a homecooked lunch and a quick escape feel free to come back "home" for a bit.

Tonight we will dine on burgers (with all the fix'ins), potatoes and grilled vegetables (we will be watching to make sure you eat your greens) and after dinner we will gather to continue last night's solar system hoping theme.  Geek Nation Tours is proud (and incredibly excited) to announce our new partner for several of our tours – Valens Games. Valens creates simulations and in their own words – “If you have ever wondered what it would be like to be a monarch, a captain of industry, or a spy, then Valens Games are for you. Valens Games provide world class entertaining games and experiences that let one learn about every facet of the world by playing within it. Valens Games lets you inhabit worlds both imaginable and beyond, immersing you with problem solving and a good deal of angst, so that you can – even for just the afternoon – be in the room when global emergencies put us to the test.”  Tonight you will be pitted against each other as you play the role of spies belonging to galaxy spanning clandestine organizations...

Duck‘s musings:

Overnight Location: Indianapolis

Day 6 - Indianapolis (Sunday, Aug. 3, 2025) / Gen Con's Last Day and Fogo de Chao!

This is our last day to enjoy the spectacle that is Gen Con!  Take in some gaming or stroll through the vendor hall to pick up some last miniute purchases. Or perhaps you have had your fill and just want to hang out for some pickup games back at the house... Geek out as you will...

Tonight we will be getting together for our Farewell Dinner at one of our best loved restaurants - Brazilian Barbeque – at Fogo de Chao! Eat until your belly is full and take in their beautifully cooked meats or sample their spectacular salad bar. Whatever you eat, make sure it doesn’t make you too sleepy as we will return to the house to roll dice there…

After dinner we will take the time to bring a favorite boardgame (or perhaps a recent purchase) and teach your fellow gamers something you love. Whether you hop into boardgaming or just hang out watching – Sunday night is always an awesome night to relax with some more chill gaming back at our house. As a matter of fact, many many laughs are always heard from our tour members this evening. We cannot stress enough how fun this last night is.

Overnight Location: Indianapolis

Day 7 - Indianapolis (Monday, Aug. 4, 2025) / Departure Day but see you soon...

Today we will transfer to the airport and head home. The photos, memories and friends you made, even before hitting the convention, are yours to keep forever!

Tour Notes

Thinking about coming in early? Geek Nation Tours can help you with all your travel plans. Whether you want to visit another part of the United States prior to your arrival in Indy or if you just want to relax a bit afterwards. Let us know your travel needs and we can make sure you get the experience you are looking for.

Geek Nation Tours also takes care of the non-geek spouse with its Parallel Universes department.  There is a lot to do in Indianapolis for non-geek spouses or those that want a break from the rarefied confines of Gen Con. So, if 4 full days of gaming is not your thing, our Geek Nation representative will be available to help coordinate excursions around the Indianapolis area. Whether it is finding a mall, visiting a museum or taking in a sporting event, we are sure we can find something for all those non-geek spouses (or gamers just looking for a break).

NOTE: Attendance of special guests and celebrities is subject to change due to scheduling conflicts and professional obligations.

NOTE: COVID-19 has changed both our geek and our real worlds. Some things may never be the same and others may not be able to be offered on our tours or will have to be altered in a new post Covid world. With that said, please understand that GNT is moving forward as if the disease is already conquered, but all tours are now subject to change.

What's Included

Pre-Registration Conference Calls, All house nights and taxes, transfers to and from the airport, unlimited Uber transfers while in Indianapolis, Gen Con 4-day badges, all dinners including the exclusive Welcome Dinner and the GNT farewell dinner, Gen Con 2025 weekend pass and no line event ticket pick up, Exclusive Gaming Experiences, and Commemorative (and stylish) GNT Gen Con shirt.

Tour Price

Main Tour - All are prices are based on single occupancy private room per person:
$4,299.00 USD + $515.88 Taxes & Fees
$500.00 USD
Final Payment Due:
April 1, 2023

Note that we have limited space at the house. Individual guests will each have their own queen room, while couples have the first pick of the rooms with king sized beds. 

Covid Pricing note: As we move into the post-Covid era there may well be price adjustments as we move forward. It has been postulated that the tourism industry as a whole will see many price increases. While GNT strives to give the best price along with the best service and experience, we may be forced to increase tour pricing in the future.

Non-Geek Spouse Argument

Non-Geek Spousal Argument: “But there is tons to do in Indy for the whole family. Geek Nation Tours even has great non-geek spouse activities too!”

Copyright Notice(s)

© 2017 GEN CON, the Gen Con logo, and The Best Four Days in Gaming! are trademarks of Gen Con LLC. All rights reserved. Used under authorization.

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