As we move forward with bookings this tour will be altered to suit those hopping aboard the tour… In particular, we need to come to a decision as a group on the time between our arrival in Nottingham and the Bovington Tank Museum day… Should we stay in Bournemouth as second night and from there visit Stonehenge? Or should we continue north to Oxford and explore Tolkien? You get to have your input on this so book soon!
About the Tour
Hello lovers of all things miniature! We are now organizing our return to Nottingham – the land of miniature wargaming! This tour is currently “In Planning” as it needs to be repriced and restructured. There are some destinations that we will alter in the coming months. If however, this tour finds you interested and you would like to learn more upon the completion of our planning please email us at headgeek@geeknationtours.com
Be well and may the dice gods be with you – Teras I. Cassidy
And now to whet your appetite…
Geek Nation Tours is proud to announce our return to the UK in 2023. Geek Nation Tours continues to make the journey to the United Kingdom to celebrate miniature gaming and this time the tour was built by wargamers just like you – the miniature wargaming fan. Every miniature wargaming Geek’s dream is to visit one of the birth places of wargaming – Nottingham England. If you are a fan of 40K, all things Fantasy, Historical Wargaming or even a good old-fashioned Martian Invasion – then this is the tour for you. We will be focusing on rolling dice and we will have days of wargaming in store for tour participants, we might even get a boardgame in or two.
We will of course, visit Games Workshop and Warhammer World, and have at least two days of gaming right at GW HQ in Nottingham. Historical gamers fear not! Geek Nation Tours has never before created a miniature wargames tour so dedicated to the full spectrum of the Wargaming Hobby. We will also be visiting the mighty Warlord Games and be talking to the Perry Twins about their historical ranges.
GNT is all about bringing the community together in a cool place, so expect painting challenges from every possible wargaming genera and company. We hope to lead wargamers to game outside their normal boxes and cross historical, fantasy and sci-fi boarders… Be sure to see our “WARNING!!! HOBBY CHALLENGE” notes throughout the tour description…
We will be returning to many of the places we have visited in the past, but all will have a cool newness about them. We will see the newly renovated Games Workshop HQ and Warhammer World, and return to Warlord Games and Mantic Games (both of which have newly renovated stores and gaming areas). But this time we will spend most of the day at each place touring their facilities, exploring their games, hobbying and, of course, looting their warehouses!
Added to all this is a brand-new lineup for 2026.we will have a HQ of our own at the Leadbelt Games Arena, and here we will have wargaming legends visit and game with us. John Stallard and Paul Sawyer and the crew from Warlord Games will stop buy for a Q&A and game. That same day Andy Chambers will also be there, and the next day will see Ronnie Renton from Mantic Games, Nick Eyre from Northstar Figures, and Daniel Faulconbridge from Wargames Illustrated roll dice with us.
But Scifi, Historical and Fantasy miniature wargamers are not the only focus – When we head back to London we will also be adventuring virtually and be off to Navrtar to do battle in their VR rooms… Zombie killing is top of the charts for this one… Be sure to visit their promo video to see the action via Youtube…
This will be a Miniatures in the UK tour like no other. Hop aboard and explore these wargaming sites while being surrounded by people of like mind. Fellow gamers – who are just as enthusiastic about miniature wargaming as you are.
WARNING!!! HOBBY CHALLENGE: No matter your current miniature wargames bent, we are throwing down the gloves on this tour. We challenge you to bring at least one unit from a game company that is outside your normal hobby and gaming box. If you are a Games Workshop fan – bring your GW minis (we WILL be using them) – but we will also be rolling dice in a more historical vein… For miniatures, you’ll have loads of choice… Think about using Wargames Foundry miniatures, Perry Miniatures or any of the other companies we will be visiting…
Day 1 - London (Thursday, Jun. 25, 2026) / Arrival Day
Today we will arrive from all around the world to meet in London England. Tour members will be arriving throughout the day and will be given detailed instructions on how to meet up with the rest of our tour participants. You will be able to leave your bags at a London hotel prior to spending a free day exploring all that London has to offer. Depending on your arrival time, you might want to visit Buckingham Palace or the Tower of London, stroll Hyde Park, ride the London Eye, discover Big Ben, or just sit in a café or pub and enjoy the awesomeness that is the UK. For you hard core gamers, you might want to head off to visit the internationally famous hole in the wall store the Orcs Nest…
Be sure to make it back to our hotel by dinner time however, as Geek Nation Tours kicks off our landing party with our traditional Welcome Dinner right at the hotel. It will be a great opportunity to meet your fellow tour participants and discuss what we are going to do in the coming days. After dinner we might head out to a local pub for a pint or two.
Overnight Location: The Dixon, Tower Bridge, Autograph Collection (Welcome Dinner Included)
Day 2 - London (Friday, Jun. 26, 2026) / Tower of London & Jack the Ripper
We have a full day planned today...
Today we will explore another castle and museum the Tower of London. Here you will see an amazing assortment of arms and armour, and for those wanting to see more - take a trip to see the Crown Jewels or the Torture Chambers...
From here we dive into all things Jack the Ripper. We will first stop at the Jack the Ripper Museum and then have a walking tour of the most infamous "Ripper Spots"... After that we think a pub might be in order to sooth us...
Dinner today will be "on the run"... Kind of appropriate considering the themes...
Overnight Location: The Dixon, Tower Bridge, Autograph Collection (dinner and breakfast included)
Day 3 - Bovington (Saturday, Jun. 27, 2026) / TANKFEST!
What wargamer doesn't want to see tanks up close and personal? What wargamer wouldn't want to take in Bovington Tank Museum's TANKFEST? Here you will see live tank displays where the armour will roll forward with menace (well, not real menace but you get the idea), epic guest armour, living history and you'll even get to take in one of the best military museums in the world. It will be a long and incredible day, but we will be with you every step of the way...
Day's end will see us at a hotel just down the road and a nice dinner... We are thinking something with gravy that will stick to your ribs...
Overnight Location: Holiday Inn Express Poole (dinner and breakfast included)
Day 4 - Oxford (Sunday, Jun. 28, 2026) / Oxford, Eagle and Child, and Osprey Publishing
After breakfast we’ll travel north by coach to Oxford. We’ll arrive early afternoon and stop at The Eagle and Child for a lunch (Note that The Eagle and Child is currently closed. We do hope that it is reopened prior to our visit. If not we will be sure to visit one of the other pubs in the area). This unassuming pub is often associated with the Inklings writers who frequented it including J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis. As such, we will likely be required to refer to ourselves only by our initials for the rest of the afternoon.
But really, what is lunch at a pub without guests? To this end, GNT has invited the crew at Osprey Games to join us for a bit to eat and a visit... The Osprey crew is always a source of fun and positivity, and we are super excited to have them join us.
Later in the afternoon, we’ll tag along with a local guide who will give us a glimpse of Oxford via walking tour. That said, we will let you have the rest of the day to relax and visit some of the wonderful museums in this amazing city on your own. The Pitt Rivers Museum is high on our list of potentials...
We have something special for all tour participants tonight. We will be staying at the Malmaison Oxford tonight, which was once a former prison, but don't worry though the rooms are rather nicer than your average jail cell... Further, couples will be upgraded to the superior cell room and everyone on the tour will have their own room (regardless if you are sharing for the rest of the tour...)
We will overnight in Oxford, but we will let you explore and dine on your own tonight.
Overnight Location: Malmaison Oxford (breakfast and lunch included)
Day 5 - Nottingham (Monday, Jun. 29, 2026) / Warlord Games, Wargaming Legends and the Leadbelt Games Arena...
Now is time to explore the centre of the wargaming world – Nottingham!!!
We will converge on Warlord Games. Expect to learn more about Bolt Action, Hail Caesar!, Gates of Antares and Konflikt 47 and others… Warlord’s warlord, John Stallard will take us on a tour to explore their casting room, offices and store, who knows we might even get to roll some dice or run rampant through the warehouse aisles on a looting spree. John is known to be one of the most welcoming people in the industry. You want a good time? Just get him talking about the old days and you will hear some of the most interesting and humorous stories ever. John is boisterous and larger than life and a true joy to be around. Yes – that’s right – you wanted to have a once in a lifetime gaming experiences… Here is your chance!
You will be free for Lunch, but make sure you return quickly as we will be off to the Leadbelt Games Arena. Here we will be joined by wargaming legends like John Stallard, Paul Sawyer and Andy Chambers. And those are just the ones we can confirm now... We hope to be adding more names in the coming months.
After catered dinner and the Q&As, we will get right into gaming. The choice of games will be yours... The Warlord crew will be there to help you go forth into battle, and Andy Chambers will also lead us in a game or two of his own devising... As we get closer we will have a list of games to choose from and you'll be able to sign up for something amazing...
The Usual Suspects:
Overnight Location: Jury’s Inn Nottingham (dinner and breakfast included)
Day 6 - Nottingham (Tuesday, Jun. 30, 2026) / Mantic Games, Perry Twins & and back to the Leadbelt Arena
We will continue our exploration of wargaming companies and head off in the morning to Mantic Games. The King Kahuna of Mantic Games will be at hand to say hello and possibility roll some dice with us. Ronnie Renton is a long-standing friend of Geek Nation Tours and his kindness and enthusiasm are legendary. You can tell he loves to move toy soldiers across a table and he radiates a kind of infectious excitement about miniature wargames that brings that joy to others. He loves miniature wargame fans and Mantic is sure to launch us into some awesome fun.
We will tour Mantic’s facility, check out their warehouse, and dive deep into all things Mantic from Kings of War, to Dungeon Saga, to Hellboy… I am sure Ronnie will be wanting to show you something new and we will also have to ask him if we can pilfer their warehouse for goodies to bring home.
We will return to the hotel for a lunch break and some downtime prior to returning to the Leadbelt Games Arena to meet some of today's guests... Ronnie and the crew from Mantic Games will join us again for a quick Q&A while we dine, and post dinner we will bring out the dice and games to have a real go at something Mantic...
Also joining us will be, Daniel Faulconbridge from one of the industry’s best magazines Wargames Illustrated, and we hope to have him give us a taster of "Never Mind the Billhooks" by the crew of Wargames Illustrated themselves...
Nick Eyre from Northstar Military Figures will also be there for the Q&A and we asked him to bring a game of his choice... They service so many, so I can't wait to see what he has on hand!
You'll again be able to pick the games you want to play and to mingle with wargaming celebrities...
Overnight Location: Jury’s Inn Nottingham (dinner, lunch and breakfast included)
Day 7 - Nottingham (Wednesday, Jul. 1, 2026) / Warhammer World! & “Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem” pub.
Today we visit Warhammer World - and it is a marvel - well placed in the pantheon of wargaming meccas! WHW sports three stores in one! In addition to Games Workshop regular products, there are also separate areas for Black Library and Forge World as well. Even better, the Exhibition Centre is a site to see, which displays many of those beautifully painted ‘Eavy Metal miniatures you have seen in White Dwarf. But rightly so, it is better known for the multitude of specially build dioramas, including the largest diorama that Games Workshop has ever built. All the dioramas are true wonders and are breath-taking for miniature fans of all types…
All tour members will have the opportunity to play friendly Warhammer 40,000, Horus Heresy, Age of Sigmar or any other GW games on WHW's "Featured" tables. We will also be taking pre-orders from all the GW stores for those interested... Participants can come and go to Bugman’s Bar for lunch, and even have a pint or two when they play.
From WHW, we head out for a traditional GNT meal at “Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem” pub. We’ll take in a few pints and have an amazing meal at one of the oldest pubs in England. Even better, GNT will be inviting a number of special guests to our dinner. Have a beer with wargaming celebrities and join in other pub fun. John Stallard from Warlord Games will be on hand - as will the Perry twins. In the past Ronnie Renton, Rick Priestly, Jervis Johnson, Andy Chambers, Alessio Cavatore – and many more notables – have joined us as well. So be sure to bring a small game, and some gaming questions, as we settle in for the night.
Overnight Location: Jury’s Inn Nottingham (breakfast included)
Day 8 - Nottingham - Maybe (Thursday, Jul. 2, 2026) / Warhammer World Iterum
We will return to Warhammer World to continue our games or start new quick ones... Necormunda or Kill Team will be the order of the day! With hours to game here, I am sure we can come up with our own narrative this day so expect the crescendo of a long hard-fought battle.
For those wanting to skip a second day at Warhammer world, Nottingham offers plenty for the visiting history geek. Visit Nottingham Castle, Wollaton Hall (Nottingham Natural History Museum), or the National Justice Museum... Or just head back to the "Trip" for another pint or two...
We will dine (both lunch and dinner as WHW is open late this day) on our own at Bugman's Bar, or any of the multitude of awesome dining establishments in Nottingham...Again into the fray!
Overnight Location: Jury’s Inn Nottingham (breakfast included)
Day 9 - Nottingham (Friday, Jul. 3, 2026) / Free Day?
We are still planning this day, but thought perhaps we might have a free day in Nottingham... It really has much to offer... Check out the The Alchemist Nottingham for instance.... And more gaming of course...
Overnight Location: Jury’s Inn Nottingham (dinner, lunch and breakfast included)
Day 10 - London (Saturday, Jul. 4, 2026) / From Nottingham to London
Today we will head back to London, but on our way back we will stop at one of the most renowned castles in the UK - Windsor Castle. Here you will have time to go on a self-guided tour and visit the castle or its beautiful gardens. Windsor Castle is the oldest and largest castle in world. It has had 40 monarchs housed in its rarified compounds, and it has loads to see. You can delight in the miniature and world famous Queen Mary's Dolls' House, visit the Moat Room to learn about the Castle's history, or learn more about the Royal intrigue that has taken place within the castle's walls...
In the evening (when we are back in London) we will gather once to do battle virtually! We think this tour lacks Zombies - so post Windsor Castle, we will do some adventuring with Navrtar London. Their crew will bring us into a free-roaming multi-player VR experience to do battle in the Zombie Apocalypse. So beware, and mind the teeth...
In the evening we will gather once more for our Farewell dinner and perhaps one last pint....
Overnight Location: The Dixon, Tower Bridge, Autograph Collection (dinner, lunch and breakfast included)
Day 11 - London (Sunday, Jul. 5, 2026) / Departure Day but see you soon...
Today will see us headed off to the airport and home. We will take taxis and will depart in small groups. The memories, miniatures and friendships you made are yours to keep forever! Bon voyage, captain and may your travels be filled with thoughts of dice and miniatures.
Overnight Location: (breakfast included)
Tour Notes
NOTE: Attendance of special guests and celebrities is subject to change due to scheduling conflicts and conflicting professional or personal obligations.
NOTE: COVID-19 has changed both our geek and our real worlds. Some things may never be the same and others may not be able to be offered on our tours or will have to be altered in a new post Covid world. With that said, please understand that GNT is moving forward as if the disease is already conquered, but all tours are now subject to change.
NOTE: We live in a dynamic and ever changing world. Some stops may have to change due to conditions in destination.
What's Included
All accommodations, all transfers excluding transfers to and from airports, private tour costs, all breakfasts, some lunches and most dinners including “Welcome Dinner” and “Farewell Dinner”, Museum entrance fee and private tours, and more fun than you can shake a ruler at…
What's Not Included
Some small transfers and entrance fees will need to be paid for locally – including transfers to and from the airport. International air. Some lunches and dinners as per above
Remember that the “Geeking Out with Miniatures in Nottingham Tour” will have a maximum guest space of 20 passengers, so space is VERY limited. Book now to secure your spot.
Gaming while on tour – there will be many chances for spontaneous gaming throughout the tour. In the past the hotels have supplied us with tables and gaming areas and we were happy to be able to game to our hearts content after returning to our hotel in the evening
Tour Price
Single-Occupancy Upgrade: $1,450.00 USD
Don’t have a friend to get the double occupancy rate? That is what Geek Nation Tours does. Book as a double occupancy and we will match you up a roommate… This way you get the best of both worlds – someone to BS about the con with – and more cash to spend!
Additional Options: Want a few extra days in the UK to chill out or want to go to other places in Europe after the tour? Geek Nation Tours will be more than happy to arrange it for you. Simply email us at headgeek@geeknationtours.com or put a quick note in the “Special Requests” box when you book.
NOTE: As our world goes through a uncertain time, some pricing may change. For example, fuel surcharges may have to be applied. GNT has priced to mitigate this possibility, but please keep it in mind when booking.
Non-Geek Spouse Argument
“But think of the historical sites…”