
What an amazing time. It was the first time I left my home country and it was a great way to tour not just England but the hobby I deeply love. I got to meet amazing people from all different walks of life and experienced a slice of the world I deeply enjoyed.

I think this was the best way to tour around with like minded people.

Miniatures in Nottingham 2023
Alex, USA

The tour was exceptional and very enjoyable. The group really bonded well and we’re enthusiastic about everything. Bovington was very interesting. The five days in Nottingham were very good and it was fun to visit all the companies and hang out with the wargaming notables. This was a 10/10.

Miniatures in Nottingham 2023
Perry, Canada

I'd travelled in tour groups before but it had never really been my 'thing'. And when looking at booking my first holiday in 5 years I was naturally a bit hesitant about if Geek Nation Tours would be the right fit for me. From the very first moment with the group my hesitation was 100% dispelled; and this has been one of the best Holiday's I've ever had, period.

Teras is an absolute wizard, just when you think there can't possibly be more to do on a tour, he pulls a rabbit out of his hat. The tour was jam packed with activities and some truly unique and memorable experiences, but at a pace that never felt rushed or exhausting.

Our group was a fantastic bunch of people, great company and wonderfully welcoming. I'm certain some long time friendships have been made on this tour.

Geek Nation Tours have rightfully earned themselves a repeat customer from me, and I heartily endorse anyone, geek or otherwise, to take one of their tours. You won't be disappointed!

Miniatures in Nottingham 2023
Thomas, Australia

Once again Teras made everything easy for everyone to enjoy the con. His attention to detail is great. He makes sure that everyone is up to date on information. I have nothing but praise for Teras and Geek Nation Tours.

Adepticon 2023
Jose, USA

Teras does such an awesome job of making a great tour! This was a fantastic experience - so easy and effortless. Can’t wait to do it again next year!

Adepticon 2023
Jeff Leong, USA

This is the fourth GNT that I have been on and once again I have experienced the best that the hobby and Teras has to offer. From the hassle free selection of games, accommodation at the Convention site, welcome hobby swag, friendly and like minded tour participants and best of all, Teras a tour guide who does everything possible to make your convention a memorable event. Geek Nation Tours is the best Hobby experience that you could ever ask for. Highly recommended.

Adepticon 2023
Scott Robertson, Australia

I really can't recommend this highly enough. The schedule of events was extensive but not overwhelming, Teras was the perfect host, the gang was great, and the early access and perks for Adepticon honestly make this a must for my next Adepticon trip. I can't really picture doing Adepticon without it! 10/10 - absolutely worth every cent.

Adepticon 2022
Dave Rudden, Ireland

Nochmal vielen Dank an Teras Cassidy und Geek Nation Tours für die tolle Organisation. Diesesmal hatte die Tour schon fast familieäre Züge. Ich freue mich jedenfalls schon auf ein wiedersehen, den für mich wird es bestimmt nicht die letzte GeekNationTour gewesen sein.

Geeking Out at Gen Con 2015
Volker, Germany

I've been on three tours with Geek Nation Tours and every time I've had a blast. Teras and his guides do their best to make each day and activity interesting, and foster fun times with fellow travelers. You'll laugh, game and make friends from around the world.

You can bet your bottom dollar I'll be back for number four, so do yourself a favour and if Geek Nation Tours runs a tour to something you're interested in, go with them!

Gen Con
Robert Smith, Australia

Gaming, feasting, learning, all in wonderful company - this tour was an absolute blast! Teras was fantastic, as were our guides from Reval Tours. We saw a lot of interesting sights, but it didn't feel rushed, which I appreciated.

My one regret is not arriving a day earlier and leaving a day later, as it would've given me more time to adjust.

This was my first tour with Geek Nation Tours, and I very much doubt that it will be my last!

Frostgrave Immersion 101 2020
Will King, United Kingdom

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